Mobile Industrial Robots are not responsible for the products displayed on the MiRGo platform. We only provide the information provided by the dealer partners, and the dealer partners are fully responsible for the product and the stated specifications.
Product Information
Fully customizable dashboards
Historical system load
Excel exports
List of alarms and errors
System components load
All the information about your robots and their work in one place
Dashboards created according to your expectations
Fully customizable panels to provide information that you need
Intuitive, but powerful interface
Technical Information
Compatible with: MiR100, MiR200, MiR500, MiR1000
Hardware and software requirements:
Software is delivered as Docker image
Can be installed on the same machine as MiR Fleet V2
Statistician must run on the same site as robots
VM requirements:
CPU – 2x 2.5 GHz
RAM – 8 GB
HDD – 30 GB
Ubuntu, Debian , Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS
Company Description
The company was established in 2016 and from the beginning and has been involved in autonomous internal logistics. We provide end to end solutions for intralogistics.
Our engineering team is constantly developing new hardware and software solutions to improve processes using MiR robots. Additionally we provide dedicated statistical tools (Octant Statistician) showing the benefits of autonomous transport.